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Privacy and Cookie Policy


Updated to U.E.Regulation 2016/679 (European Regulation concerning private data protection)

Information sheet for website  and social network pages

<   website navigation information

<   cookies information

This information amply describes the procedures adapted by us and the management of the website concerning the processing of personal details of the users who consult it.

The processing method, as always, is based on the principles of lawfulness and correctness in compliance with all current regulations and all appropriate security measures have been adopted for the safeguarding of personal details.

Such privacy policy is given also in the form of a brief information sheet under article 13 of legislative decree 196/2003 and under E.U. Regulation G.D.P.R. 679/2016 concerning privacy, as well as pursuant to the measures concerning cookies – n.229 of 8/05/2004. We would like to inform visitors of our website about the processing of personal data supplied on the website and of the cookies used therein

The information sheet is also given according to the reccomendation n. 2/2002 adopted by the work group established under article 29 of the guidelines in n. 95/46/CE to those who interact with the web services on this site, for the aim of protecting personal data which is accessibile via telematic means, starting from an address.

On using any of our services, or on acceptance of the present information sheet- for example on registration to one of our services, a consent is given to the gathering and usage of personal data as described in this information sheet.


SELETTI S.p.a. takes great care of the privacy of the user and is commited to the respect of that privacy. The present privacy policy descrive the activities and methods involved in personal data processing undertaken by SELETI S.p.a. via its website www.seletti.itand related commitments entered into regarding the company.

Where forseen by U.E.Regulation 2016/679, a request for consent will be given to the user prior to proceeding the processing of his or her personal details. If the user submits data belonging to a third party, he or she must provide for the communicaton of such details to SELETTI S.p.a. and the successive methods of processing for the aims specified.


      Processor                                                                              Privacy Officer

      Seletti Miria                                                                           Seletti Miria

      SELETTI  Spa                                                                          SELETTI  Spa

      Via Codebruni Levante 30                                               Via Codebruni Levante 30

      46019 Cicognara (MN)                                                     46019 Cicognara (MN)

      e-mail                                                        e-mail    


        Visits and read only acces to the website do not generally entail gathering and processing of the user’s personal details except for surf information and cookies as specified below.

        As well as surf information (see below) , personal details submitted volontarily by the user could be processed on interaction with the Site and it’s functions or following a request to benefit from the services offered on the Site.

        In full respect of the Code of Privacy, SELETTI S.p.a. could furthermore gather the user’s personal data from third parties during the fullfilment of it’s normal sequence of operations.

        The website does not include an automatic distribution function for the use and services of SELETTI S.p.a.  


        The website uses cookies. In using using the website the user consents to the use of cookies in accordance with this privacy policy. Cookies are small files memorised on the users computer hard disk. There are two macro-categories of cookies- tecnical and of proliferation.

        Tecnical cookies are necessary for the full function of a website and to allow the user to navigate. Without these cookies it may not be possible for the user to see the webpage in full or to enjoy some services.

        Proliferation cookies have the task of creating a user profile so as to send pubblicity messages in line with the user’s preferences espressed  during navigation.

        cookies can also be classified as:
        <     “session cookies”- these are cancelled immediately after closing the navigation browser.
        <    “persistent cookies – these remain within the browser for a determined perod of time. They are used for example, to recognise the device connecting to a website, facilitating the authentication operations of the user.
        <    “own” cookies- these are generated and managed directly by the website operator where the user is navigating.
        <    “third party cookies” – generated and managed by persons other than the website operator on which the user is navigating.



        The website uses the following types of cookies:  

        < own cookies, session cookies and persistent cookies, necessary for the navigation on the site, for means of internal security and for system administration.

        < third party cookies, session cookies and persisent cookies, necessary to allow the user to benefit from mutimedial elements present on the Site such as images and videos.

        < third party cookies and persistent cookies, used by the Site to send statistcal information to the Google Analytics sistem, through which SELETTI S.p.a. can carry out statistical analysis of accesses and/or visits to its website. The cookies used follow exclusively statistical purposes and gather information in aggregate form. Via two different types of cookies put together- one persistent and one session (with cancellation upon closure of the browser), Google Analytics also saves a register of containing the times of starts and ends of visits to the website.

        The information generated by the use of cookies on the website on your part (including  your Internet Protocol Address) is extracted, transmitted and deposited at the Google servers in the USA. Google (autonomous managers of processing) then uses this information for the purpose of tracking and examining your use of the website, filling out website activity reports for the website managers and supplying other services relative to the Site and to the use of intenet.

        Google can also transfer this information to third parties where imposed by law or where those third parties process such information on behalf of Google. Google will not associate your I.P. address with any other data owned by it. You can refuse to use cookies by simply clicking on the correct setting on your browser but such action could also restrict the full use of the website functions.

        You can also prevent the survey and successive processing of data through cookies  by downloadind and installing the plug-in for browsersat the following address    

        < third party cookies and persistent cookies- used by the website to include on its page click buttons of social network sights (facebook twitter and google+. In selecting one of these click buttons, the user can publish contents of the website he or she is visiting  on his or her own personal social network page.

        The site could contain links to other sites (so called third party sites). SELETTI S.p.a. does not carry out any checks on, or access to cookies, web beacons or other tracking tecnologies of users that could be used by third party sites into which the user can enter from the Site; SELETTI  S.p.a. does not carry out  checks on contents and material published by or obtained through third parties or its relative processing methods of the user’s personal details, and expressly declines any responsibility for such eventuality. The user is bound to verify the privacy policy of the third parties entered into from the Site and to inform him or herself of the applicable conditions relative to the processing procedure of his or her personal details.

        The present privacy policy is applicable solely to this website as above defined.  


        Most browsers allow you to refuse or accept cookies: here is some practical information on how to disable cookies on your main browser:  

        Click on icon top right- èersonalise and control Chrome
        Click cronology
        Click cancel navigational data
        Select option cookie and other data from plug-in sites
        Click cancel navigational data

        Click on cronology
        Click on cancel recent cronology and select cookies
        Click on cancel now    

        Click on instruments
        Click on internet options
        In the tab General, click delete
        Select the cookie option
        Click on delete  

        Click on preferences
        Click on privacy
        Click on Remove all data from wesite and click to confirm  


        Click icon  on top right- personalise and control cookies
        Click on new navigatlion in incognito  

        Click icon on top right- open menu
        Click on anonymous window  

        Click on security
        Click on “inPrivate browsing”

        Click on file
        Click on new private window          


        Personal details are stored and processed via SELETTI owned informational systems and managed or by them, or by third parties- suppliers of tecnical services. For furthur details, please refer to the following section “area of accessibilità to personal data”. Personal data is processed strictly by authorised, specialised personel, meaning those who are charged with operations of extra-ordinary maintenance.  


        SELETTI S.p.a. can process both common and personal data of the user for the following purposes: usage of services and functions present on the Site by the user, management of reccomandations and/or notices from its users, sending newsletters and managment of applications recieved through the Site.

        Moreover, with further and specific non-obbligatory consent from the user, SELETTI S.p.a. can process personal data for marketing purposes – meaning sending promotional material and/or commercial comunication pertinent to company services to all indicated addresses by way of traditional contacts (paper post, telephone calls by operators) and/or auomated processes (internet comunication, fax, e-mail, applications for smart smartphones, APP, socail network accounts such as Facebook or Twitter and telephone calls by automated operators etc.) all data is preserved according to U.E. Regulation 2016/679 for a minimum periodo f time determined by the service requested to a maximum of ten (10) years for tax purposes, save the right on part of the client, managed by the form “ PRIVACY-RIGHT OF PRACTICE” present in the company’s e-mail or on direct request from the company.  

        • SELETTI S.p.a. undertakes to safeguard the user’s personal data and respects in full all current security regulatios established for the avoidance of data loss, illegitemate or illegal use of data and unautorised access- with particolar referment to tecnical discipline concernng minimum security measures. Furthermore, computer systems and software utilised by SELETTI S.p.a.are set up in such a way as to reduce the use of personal and identifying details to a minimum; such details are processed exclusively for specific those purposes being followed in that specific period of time.

        SELETTI S.p.a. employs multiple and advanced security tecnologies and procedures designed to ensure and enhance the protection of users’ personal details: for example: such data is preserved and stored in sercure servers with limited and authorised access. The user can assist SELETTI S.p.a. with updating and correcting his or her details via communication of any change in address, occupation or qualification and/or contact information etc. using the form “PRIVACY, RIGHTS OF EXERCISE” present on the Company’s e-mail page or on direct request from the Company.  


        The users’ personal details can be communicated to the following:  

        <) all those subjects with possibiliy of access to such data and stipulated by legislative provisions.
        <) our collaborators or workforce in the area of their relative tasks.
        <) our external advisors in the area of their relative assignments (financial, legal security and information tecnology)
        <) all natural and/or legal persons, public and private where communication is neccessary or functional to the performance of our business and in accordante with the above purposes as described.  


        The transmission of personal data of and from the user is obbligatory in order to allow the Company to manage communication, user requests or to contact the user for elaboration of requests.  This type of data is marked with an asterisk  (*)  and in this case the data is obbligatoryi so that the Company can then follow up on a request and without which, would not be possible.

        Data not marked with an asterisk is optional and the non transmission of such data will be without consequence to the user.

        The transmission of data for marketing purposes, as specified in the section “THE PURPOSE AND PROCEDURES OF PERSONAL DATA PROCESSING” is optional and non transmission will be without consequence to the user.

        Permission given for marketing purposes means the supplying of data made by the user via traditional and/or automatic channels.        


        The processor has the right to present modifications to the present policy in any moment, living notice of such to the user through this page. We ask the user therefore to consult this page regularly, referring to the date and latest modification as indicated below. In case of non acceptance of modifications to the present poicy, the user can terminate the use of this application and can request the processor to remove his or her personal details. Except as otherwise specified,  the previous private policy  will continue to be applicable to personal details obtained up to that moment.


        12.1) The user has the right to obtain confermation as to whether his or her personal details are undergoing processing at that time and in which case, to access personal details as well as the following:

        1. The purpose of personal data processing;
        2. The category or type of personal data in question;
        3. The recipients, or category of recipients to whom the personal details have been, or will be communicated, in particolar if those recipients are from third countries or international organisations;
        4. The forseen period of conservation of personal details, or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine the length of that period;
        5. The existence of the right of the user to request the processor of those details a retification or deletion of his or her personal details or the limitation of processing or to oppose the processing;
        6. The right to lodge a complaint with the processing authority;
        7. The existence of an automated decisional process including proliferation and, at least, in the present case, significant information on the logical use, as well as the importance and the consequences forseen by such data processing for the user.

        12.2)   ARTICLE 1 OF E.U. REGULATON 2016/679 – THE RIGHT                               TO CANCELLATION (the right to be forgotten)  

        The user has the right to obtain the cancellation of his or her personal data without unjustified delay from the prcessor, who has the obbligation to delete, without unjustified delay, such data in the case of one of the following reasons:

        1. The data is no longer necessary to the final purpose for which it was obtained or processed;
        2. The user concerned revokes his or her consent on which the processing is based according to article 6 paragraph 1 letter a) or to article 9 paragraph 2 letter a) if no legal basis is found for such processing;
        3. The user concerned oppose sto such processing in accordante with article 22 paragraph 1, and no legitimate reason is found to procede with processing, or he or she opposes processing according to article 21 paragraph 2;
        4. The personal data has been processed unlawfully;
        5. Personal data must be deleted to fulfill a legal obbligation as forseen by the union or state to which the processor is subject;
        6. Personal data has been obtained relative to an offer from the information society referred to in article 8 paragraph 2 of U.E. Regulation 2016/679.

        The subject has the right to obtain restrictions on the processing of his or her personal data in the case of one of the following possibilities:

        1. The subject questions the accuracy of his or her details and for the time necessary to the processor to verify the accuracy of such data;
        2. The processing is illegal and the subject opposes the cancellation of personal data, requesting instead a restriction on its use;
        3. Although the processor has no further need of the data for the purpose of processing, such data is necessary to the subject for the inspection, the use of or the defence of rights in a court of law;
        4. The subject has opposed to the processing in accordante with article 22 paragraph1 of E.U.Regulation 2016/679 pending verification of eventual legittimate grounds whether the processor overrides those of the subject.

        12.4)                  RIGHT UNDER ATICLE 20 : THE RIGHT OF DATA PORTABILITY
        The subject has the right to recieve in structured form, and of readable and common use, all personal data concerning him or her supplied by the processor and has the right to transmit such data to another processor without consequence from the current owner of data processing and writer of this policy.

        13 )                       WITHDRAWAL OF CONSENT TO PROCESSING
        The subject can revoke his or her consent to personal data processing by sending a registered letter to SELETTI  S.p.a. VIA CODEBRUNI LEVANTE 32, 42019, CICOGNARA MN. or by e-mail to the following address info@seletti.itcomplete with photocopy of a valid document of identity and using the link module “PRIVACY: RIGHTS OF EXERCISE” present on the Company’s e-mail page, or on direct request from the Company. 

        At the end of this operation, all personal data pertaining to the subject will be removed from the processing archives in as brief time as reasonably possible, keeping it usable solely for legal purposes.

        For further information on personal data processing or for the exercising of your rights as referred to in the previos points, please send a registered letter to    SELETTI  S.p.a. VIA CODEBRUNI LEVANTE 32, 46019, CICOGNARA MN. or a communication by e-mail to the following address info@seletti.itcomplete with photocopy of a valid document of identity and using the link module “PRIVACY: RIGHTS OF EXERCISE” present on the Company’s e-mail page, or on direct request from the Company.

        Before supplying you with any information or any kind of modifications, it may be necessary to request further proof of identity and to ansie some questions. A response will be given as soon as is reasonably possible.

        All rights reserved. Any use of this document, whether total or in part, including storage, re production, re-elaboration, diffusion or distribution of the contents thereto through any kind of tecnological platform, support or telematic network is forbidden without prior authority from SELETTI S.p.a.

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